My notes and ramblings

Distributed computing is a pain
Microservices, how amazing are they? Everyone seems to be talking about microservices and jumping on the bandwagon producing an insane quantity of them. People are proudly announcing the number of microservices that they have deployed and wearing it like a badge, as if the higher the number of microservices, the better1. The amount of noise surrounding microservices within the tech world is enough to cause the cynical to be cautious... Read more...
“Did you read Osborne’s Autumn Statement on the papers this morning on how house taxes are calculated when you buy a house? Doesn’t matter if you didn’t. So here’s the question: write a program that calculates the correct amount of taxes an individual has to pay given a property’s price as an input. Before we start programming, let’s write some tests.” This was the question that I was given by... Read more...
The origin As I flipped pages after pages of the late Steve Jobs’ biography, indulged as I was while my subconscious mind kept resonating with the words from the previous chapters: real artists ship. “These words are very familiar,” my mind spoke to itself while it was rummaging through bits and pieces of my memory trying to recall such words from the past. It was Mark Zuckerberg. It was his... Read more...

William Heng